

Blackstock AW, Benson AB, Kudo M, Jimenez H, Achari PF, et al. 2021. “Safety and Efficacy of amplitudemodulated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.”
4open, 4, 3

Published online: July 26, 2021


J. Camacho, “Hepatocellular carcinoma therapy finds a channel on the radio”

Published online: May 31, 2019

Hugo Jimenez, Minghui Wang, Jacquelyn W. Zimmerman, Michael J. Pennison, Sambad Sharma, Trevor Surratt, Zhi-Xiang Xu, Ivan Brezovich, et al. “Tumour-specific amplitude-modulated radiofrequency electromagneticfields induce differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma via targetingCav3.2 T-type voltage-gated calcium channels and Ca2+influx”

Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof

Published online: May 31, 2019

Sambad Sharma, Shih-Ying Wu, Hugo Jimenez, Fei Xing, Dongqin Zhu, Yin Liu, Kerui Wu, Abhishek Tyagi, et al. “Ca2+ and CACNA1H mediate targeted suppression of breast cancer brainmetastasis by AM RF EMF”

Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof

Published online: May 22, 2019

“How tumor-specific modulation frequencies were discovered”

THE CANCER LETTER – October 5, 2018
Download the article here

Jimenez, H., Blackman, C., Lesser, G., Debinski, W., Chan, M., Sharma, S., Watabe, K., Lo, H.W., Thomas, A., Godwin, D., Blackstock, W., Mudry, A., Posey, J., O’Connor, R., Brezovich, I., Bonin, K., Kim-Shapiro, D., Barbault, A., Pasche. B. (2018). “Use of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer”. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 23, 284-297.

PMID: 28930547

Capstick M., Gong Y., Pasche B., Kuster N. (2016). “An HF exposure system for mice with improved efficiency”. Bioelectromagnetic, 37, 223-233.

PMID: 27037618

Jacquelyn W. Zimmerman , Hugo Jimenez , Michael J. Pennison , Ivan Brezovich , Desiree Morgan , Albert Mudry , Frederico P. Costa , Alexandre Barbault and Boris Pasche. (2013). “Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies”. Chinese Journal of Cancer, 32, 573-581.

PMID 24206915

Zimmerman, J., Pennison, M., Brezovich, I., Yi, N., Yang, C.T., Ramaker, R., Absher, D., Myers, R.M., Kuster, N., Costa, F.P., Barbault, A., Pasche, B. (2012). “Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation frequencies”. British Journal of Cancer, 106, 307-313.

PMID: 22134506

Accompanied by the following editorial:

Blackman, C.F. (2012). “Treating cancer with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields: a potential paradigm shift, again”? British Journal of Cancer, 106, 241-241.

PMID 22251967

Costa, F.P., Cosme de Oliveira, A., Meirelles Jr, R., Machado, M.C.C., Zanesco, T., Surjan, R., Chammas, M.C., de Souza Rocha, M., Morgan, D., Cantor, A., Ivan Brezovich, Niels Kuster, Barbault, A., Pasche, B. (2011). “Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields”. British Journal of Cancer, 105, 640-648.

PMID: 21829195

Barbault, A., Costa, F.P., Bottger, B., Munden, R.F., Bomholt, F., Kuster, N., Pasche, B. (2009). “Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, 28, 51.

PMID: 19366446

Book Chapters

Pasche, B., Jimenez, H., Zimmerman, J., Barbault, A.
Systemic Treatment of Cancer with Low and Safe Levels of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Amplitude-Modulated at Tumor-Specific Frequencies.

In: Paul J.Rosch, ed. Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine. 2nd ed. London, England: CRC Press, 2015:299-303


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